
Last Saturday, Melissa took me to Walking with Dinosaurs: The Live Experience. I knew I’d be getting this outing as a Christmas present and I’d been looking forward to it for months. I wasn’t sure what the actual show would be like, but knew I’d love it whether it offered scientific realism or high kitsch. Happily for me, it tended more toward the former than the latter (insofar as a set of latex dinosaurs hulking about a sports complex can be considered realistic). Yes, I knew I was watching giant puppets/vehicles, but I found myself moving back and forth between fascination with the engineering of the creatures and engagement with the different “stories” that made up the show.

I first heard about this show when my friend Ellen took me to High School Musical: The Ice Tour (apparently colons are de rigueur these days in event titles) and we saw the giant promo sign. How could I resist? I called Melissa from the lobby, saying “please, please, please….”

What a blessing it is to have a partner willing to cater to my love of animatronic prehistory!

Saturday night, we saw this as we approached the arena.
Electronic sign for Walking with Dinosaurs

Once we were indoors, we had to stop at the souvenir stand.
Calpurnia the stegosaurus
Presenting—ta-da!—Calpurnia (we’ve been watching Rome on DVD) the stegosaurus. She will be heading with me to Melissa’s this weekend to meet her new little friend Rowena, who came home with us after we visited Prehistoric Gardens in Oregon.

Then we settled in for two hours of dino-rific delights.

Scene One: Struthiomimus preys on hatchlings.
A struthiomimus stealing hatchlings

Scene Two: Stegosaurus defends herself from Allosaurus.
Stegosaurus vs allosaurus
(We had to cover Calpurnia’s eyes during this sequence.)

Scene Three: Little Diplodicus gets in trouble…
The arena with a diplodocus
… and mom comes to the rescue.

All’s well that ends well.

Scene Four: a battle for dominance between a pair of Torosauruses (Torosauri?).
A fight to the finish

Scene Five: the emergence of flowering plants. In the program photographs, these looked quite cheesy, but in real life they were lovely—not realistic, but a good match for the other-worldliness of the production.
Prehistoric plastic flowers

Scene Six: flight!
Dinosaur in flight

Scene Seven: three quick and wily raptors search for food.
Three raptors look for more food

Scene Eight: one of my personal favorites—Ankylosaurus.

Scene Nine: baby T-Rex, every bit as foolish as baby Diplodicus, also gets into trouble.
Here comes trouble

And once more, it’s mom to the rescue.
Mom and baby t-rex
Another happy ending!


OK—I’m back to work now and done with my post-holiday lolling about, so this blog will once more be appearing regularly and will feature genuine knitting content soon. (Also coming up: The Drive Home.)

Happy new year!