Head? Check. Skull? Check. Brain? Brain? Brain?

Wednesday it’s off to the wild, wild mid-west to see my sister and her family. While I am gone, my little home is getting tented for termites, so I am doing lots of racing about to try to get ready. Sparky will be staying at Melissa’s place with his Oak-Town half-sibs. Bea, who visited Oakland once and found the company quite disgreeable, will be staying at Kitty Hill Resort.

If the airlines cooperate, Wednesday evening I’ll be enjoying a LumberKings (single A) ballgame. The first one hundred fans get a free LumberKings baseball card—whoo-hoo!

Of course, since I should be doing a myriad chores, I’m feeling absolutely compelled to play with a new knitting idea as well: wash dishes, knit four rows, move clothes from dryer to washer, knit four rows, scrub tub, knit four rows, turn on ballgame, clear table top, knit four rows, pick up prescriptions, knit four rows. Not to mention that I’m really enjoying the mystery novel I just started. You get the picture.

I’ll be posting as I can while I’m gone. My niece is good with a digital camera, so I may even have pictures as well.

If my mention of a mystery novel pricked up your ears, I’m currently reading Carole Nelson Douglas‘s Chapel Noir, which features not only her heroine Irene Adler, but Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper as well. The author took a seven-year hiatus from this series after writing the first several volumes, and Chapel Noir is the first offering in her second go-round. This work is definitely more “mature” in terms of both style and content and would be a great place to start if you’re new to the series.

On a much more serious note
Code Pink is collecting signatures to protest the stoning death of Du’a Khalil Aswad, a 17 year old from the town of Bashiqa, in Iraqi Kurdistan. She came from a family of Yazidi faith and was snatched from her home by Yazidi men who had discovered that she was in love with a Muslim Arab man and had visited him. In front of hundreds of people, including local police, they dragged her to the center of town and stoned her to death. Townspeople watched and even filmed this barbaric act. The killers, obviously well known in the community, are still free. Click here to add you name to the petition.