
I’m attempting to write this post while working at my LYS, The Golden Fleece. So either I’ll be productive blog-wise or else my attempt to blog will bring on an onslaught of customers, so Margaret will be rich, even if I’m post-less.

I’m continuing to work on various un-photo-able projects. And somehow Melissa, and Melissa and I keep failing to take pictures of the photo-able ones. So I’m afraid I can’t offer much in the way of visual excitement.

A week from Monday Melissa and I are taking a friend to a Giants game for her birthday. Not just any game: Star Trek Movie Night! The title is a bit misleading, as there won’t be any actual movies, but there will be a costume contest (we’re limiting ourselves to Vulcan ears, so won’t be entering), a pre-game party, and free foam hands doing a “live long and prosper” salute.

Melissa has been making prints all weekend and hopes to lure Miss Timmy into the garage to keep her company for a bit today. Yesterday was a bust, as a neighborhood cat, Julio, a youngish orange tabby, showed up and kept trying to make friends, much to Miss Timmy’s dismay. There were not actual altercations, but Timmy kept moving to different corners of the yard, hoping to escape Julio’s attentions. And Julio, as young cats will, kept popping along behind her asking, “Do your like me now? How about now? Now?”

I’m making a big push to get back to better eating habits, so we’ve been doing some fun cooking lately. Friday night was sweet potato and chickpea patties in whole wheat pitas with yogurt sauce. Last night was quinoa with Kale, raisins, onions, almonds and sun-dried tomatoes. Tonight we’re planning whole wheat noodles with walnuts, sun-dried tomatoes, and asparagus. And hummus. Lots of hummus. Hummus is my new best friend.

I’m hoping to do a proper review of Cookie A’s new sock book in the coming week, but for now, just let me say that you need this book. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a sock knitter. Trust me.