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Melissa and I went to bed early last night after a somber and unproductive day. I’m still trying to decide how I can respond to the passage of Proposition 8 in California. But I’ve had a bit of a revelation:

Think of the difference it could make if Barak Obama appointed an out lesbian or gay man to a Cabinet-level position in his new administration. At a time when we’re explicitly being made separate and unequal under law, he could lead the nation in showing respect for the abilities, integrity, and value of all of us with such an appointment. If you agree with me on this, please consider sending him an email, giving him a call—(202) 224-2854—or writing a letter endorsing this idea to your local paper or Democratic Party offices.

Thanks to those of you who have written with kind and thoughtful words. They are comforting and strengthening me right now, and I very much need them.