Back Among the Living


I’m still coughing, still blowing my over-productive nose every few minutes, but—I. Can. Think. I no longer burst into tears when asked to do something more complicated than choose between TheraFlu and Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Sinus. Last Wednesday, determined to teach my Thursday classes, I drove myself to the office, only to discover that getting there wore me out so badly that I was incapable of doing any class planning. A friend gave me a ride home, I called Melissa, and she took the rest of the week off work and set about healing me up (which included walking up to campus to retrieve my car, which I’d left there when I got the ride home).

I’m being dutiful and putting teaching first at the moment, so I won’t have a real knitting post for a few more days, but I promise something good as soon as I’m capable of it. I didn’t knit for the better part of a week, but once my brain started to reemerge from the fog, I went back to the Tamalpais hat, which I’ve now worked up in five different variations (a perfect example of what happends when one starts asking “what if?” questions). More on that and other projects soon.