Issues/Addresses Write-Ups

There was a LOT going on this past week! I’ve just finished up the weekly issues/addresses list for my postcarding group. Please use/share/distribute as you see fit. Some will speak to you; some won’t. Choose what matters to you.

2.24.2018 Issues:Addresses for Blog

A couple of reminders:

• I’m in California’s 20th District. If you’re not in CA or not in this particular district, you may occasionally want to write to your own reps, rather than the people listed here.

• Drop me a note in comments if you use any of these. It feels good when I know the work is paying off beyond my local group.

New Issues/Addresses for 2.17.2018

Yesterday was another day devoted to prepping issues/addresses write-ups for my postcarding group. It include 26 new items, 17 national and 9 California-specific.

Please use/share this in any way you’d like. The list is big, so I always encourage people to skim it and choose what most speaks to them.

If you do use these, please leave me a note in the comments. It is heartening to see this work being put to use.

Happy resisting!

Issues and Addresses 2:17:2018

Issues and Addresses, 2/16/2018

My postcarding group has its next meeting in early March, so I’m getting started on Issues/Addresses write-ups. You’re welcome to download the pdf for your own use, your group’s use, for distribution. There are 29 entries here on a range of topics. Choose what speaks to you and start writing/calling. You don’t have to do it all, but if we each do a little and a little and a little… think of your postcards as drops of water carving a hole into a granite boulder one drip at a time.

If you do use any of these, drop me a quick note in the comments section, please. It would do my heart good to know these materials are of use to people outside my own little postcarding circle.

2018 First issues addresses for March

Prepare Your Postcards: Long List and Short List

My monthly postcarding group meets later this morning, so I spent time Friday finalizing the full list of issues/addresses. If you’d like that document, you can download it here:

2018 February FINAL

If you’ve been using my lists already in the past month, all you’ll need is the installment of the full document, which you can download here:

2018 February Final Short

Be of good courage! Keep writing! Keep calling!

If you’d like me to email you the full list once a month, let me know in the comments. (You’ll have to include your email to comment, but it won’t show up on the blog.)